General questions
VetAID stands for Veterinary Animal Identification Device. The VetAID Microchips is a tiny computer chip which has an identification number programmed into it. The chip is encased in a smooth, strong, biocompatible glass, and is small enough to fit into a hypodermic needle. Once the animal in injected with the chip, he can be identified throughout his life with this one-of-a-kind number. His identification cannot be lost, altered, or intentionally removed.
The microchip has no power supply, battery, or moving parts. It is designed with an operating life of over 25 years and is guaranteed for the life of the animal. Once injected, the microchip is anchored in place as a thin layer of connective tissue forms around it. The chip requires no care. It does not pass through or out of the body.
No! Injecting the VetAID Microchip is just like any other injection or vaccination. Anaesthesia is not required or recommended.
The VetAID Microchip is inert, smooth, and biocomaptible. There is virtually no chance of the body developing an allergy or trying to reject the microchip after being properly injected.
When properly implanted, a small layer of connective tissue forms around the microchip, preventing movement or migration of the chip. Instruction and injection sites will vary depending upon the specie. As with any brand of chip, VetAID microchips will not migrate if instructions are followed and implantation is correct.
Dogs and cats are injected between the shoulder blades with a deep subcutaneous (under skin) delivery of the chip.
Most breeders inject the chip between ages of five and eight weeks of age. Of course, the injection can also done at any time after that.
VetAID Recovery Program is a system provided by VetAID Inc. to aid pet owners in finding their lost or stolen pets. It provides full contact information on lost pets as well as provides assistance in finding lost pets.
Just fill out the enrollment form after having your pet microchipped with VetAID ISO certified Microchips.
Any pet owner can join the program. Simply have your pet implanted with a VetAID ISO certified microchip and fill out the VetAID enrollment form to register your pet in the program. Owners who have lost their pets can simply go to the program which will in turn alert enrolled veterinary clinics and establishments. Should an establishment come in contact with the lost pet, they can verify the identity through scanning for the microchip. When identity is verified, the establishment informs VetAID Recovery Program who in turn informs the registered owner.
Contact information encoded into the VetAID database is that of the person who had the microchip implanted. Should there be any changes of ownership, VetAID must be advised in writing and we will contact the registered owner for verification on the transfer of ownership.